• How we give back to our veterans at Horse Empower

Heart Of Horse Empower – How We Give Back

Because Horse Empower concentrates on the sustainability of our corporate programming, we are fortunate to be able to ask our corporate partners for sponsorships supporting The Heart of Horse Empower. The Heart of Horse Empower is a deeply felt focus of our organization to support Veterans of the United States.

While we are not a non-profit organization, Horse Empower accepts sponsorships for individual Veterans to participate in specially-designed programs that assist with PTSD, returning home challenges, and overcoming many adversities that can arise while serving our country and protecting our freedom.

The partnerships formed between our nation’s Heroes and the Horses here at Horse Empower produce life-transforming results and can be sponsored to varying degrees, outlined below. Please consider sponsoring a Veteran (program sponsorships cover our costs to run the program and nothing more).

Heart of Horse Empower